Tibet, China Weather
Current: °C/0°F, Wind SW at km/h, % Humidity, % Chance of rain
- Tibet, China Weather
- Current conditions
- Weather forecast
- Averages and extremes
- Yesterday's Data
- Temperature and possibility of rain in Tibet over the next 12 hours
- Temperature and possibility of rain in Tibet in the coming days
- Rainfall in Tibet in the coming days
- Tibet Weather Summary
- Weather averages by month
- Tibet's weather
- Frequently asked questions
- Comments
Current conditions
Pressure: hPa
Sea level: hPa
Temperature: °C
Cloud: %
Humidity: %
Wind: km/h
Visibility: m
30 Day Averages and Extremes
- Average high 1.06°C
- Average low -7.31°C
- Hottest day (25 October 2024) 3.87°C
- Coldest day (09 November 2024) -11.7°C
- Average humidity 17.13%
- Days with precipitation 0 days
- Highest precipitation 0 mm
Yesterday's Data
- Max: 5°C
- Min: -4°C
- Total Precipitation: 0 mm
Temperature and possibility of rain in Tibet over the next 12 hours
Temperature and possibility of rain in Tibet in the coming days
Rainfall in Tibet in the coming days
Tibet Climate Summary
Tibet features a Tundra (Köppen classification: ET), with an average annual temperature of 0.62ºC (33.12ºF), which is about -14.0% lower than the national average for China. Annually, the city experiences approximately 18.77 millimeters (0.74 inches) of rainfall, spread across 47.98 rainy days, accounting for 13.15% of the year.
Longitude | 30.1533605 |
Latitude | 88.7878678 |
Yearly high temperature | 3.91ºC (39.04ºF) |
Yearly low temperature | -4.04ºC (24.73ºF) |
Hottest month | June 12.2ºC (53.96ºF) |
Coldest month | January -16.32ºC (2.62ºF) |
Yearly precip | 18.77mm (0.74in) |
Days with rainfall | 47.98 days (13.15%) |
Driest month | December (26.15%) |
Wettest month | July (53.59%) |
Weather averages by month
Month | High / Low (°C) | Rain |
January | -7.07° / -16.32° | 0.36 days |
February | -4.06° / -13.48° | 0.64 days |
March | -1.33° / -9.88° | 1.09 days |
April | 2.89° / -5.15° | 2.0 days |
May | 7.04° / -0.21° | 3.18 days |
June | 12.2° / 4.82° | 7.45 days |
July | 13.48° / 6.6° | 14.18 days |
August | 13.01° / 5.99° | 10.27 days |
September | 10.8° / 3.19° | 7.45 days |
October | 4.35° / -2.97° | 0.91 days |
November | -0.54° / -8.56° | 0.18 days |
December | -3.84° / -12.54° | 0.27 days |
Tibet's weather
- Bakuo Subdistrict
- Bayi District
- Biru Town
- Chayu County
- Chengguan Town
- Coqên County
- Dingqing County
- Doilungdêqên District
- Gangba County
- Gê'gyai County
- Gonggar County
- Jiangda County
- Jibenggang Subdistrict
- Lazi County
- Lhasa
- Luolong County
- Moluo Town
- Naiqiong Town
- Nanmulin Town
- Niangre Township
- Nyainrong County
- Qüxü County
- Sangduo Town
- Shangzhuzi District
- Shuanghu County
- Zhanang County
- Amdo County
- Angren County
- Bailang County
- Baingoin County
- Baqên County
- Basu County
- Bayi Town
- Bianba County
- Biru County
- Bomi County
- Changdu
- Chaya County
- Chengbei Subdistrict
- Chengguan District
- Chengnan Subdistrict
- Comai County
- Cona County
- Dagzê District
- Damxung County
- Dingjie County
- Dingqing Town
- Dingri County
- Dongga Town
- Duodi Township
- Gamagongsang Subdistrict
- Gar County
- Gatuo Town
- Gêrzê County
- Gongbujiangda County
- Gongdelin Subdistrict
- Gongjue County
- Gyaca County
- Jiacuoxiong Township
- Jiangzi County
- Jiangzi Town
- Kangma County
- Karuo District
- Lang County
- Leiquqi County
- Lhari County
- Lhozhag County
- Lhünzê County
- Lhünzhub County
- Linzhi
- Maizhokunggar County
- Mangkang County
- Milin County
- Motuo County
- Nagarzê County
- Nagqu Prefecture
- Najin Township
- Nanmulin County
- Naqu Town
- Nêdong District
- Ngari Prefecture
- Nielamu County
- Nimu County
- Nyima County
- Qonggyai County
- Qusum County
- Renbu County
- Rikaze
- Saga County
- Sajia County
- Sangri County
- Seni District
- Shannan
- Shengda Township
- Shiquanhe Town
- Sog County
- Xietongmen County
- Zedang Town
- Zhaxi Subdistrict
- Zuogong County
Frequently asked questions
1. What is the hottest month in Tibet?
June has the highest average monthly temperature (daily mean of 12.2ºC) and January are the coolest (daily mean of -16.32ºC).
2. What should I wear in Tibet today?
For today's cold weather in Tibet, with temperatures ranging from -1ºC to 2ºC (30.2ºF to 35.6ºF), you should wear:
- Long pants (jeans or other thick materials)
- Closed-toe shoes or boots
- Wool or thermal socks
- Hat and gloves, particularly for early mornings or evenings
Comments (0)
- Latest first
- Highest rated
Air quality
Satisfactory air quality, minimal pollution, low risk
- CO 128.51
- NH3 8.74
- NO 0
- NO2 0.65
- O3 50.78
- PM10 3.19
- PM25 0.9
- SO2 0.04